Monday, February 14, 2011

Content Type Feature Manifest: Field Element

Attributes of the Field Element.  For some reason this isn't the easiest info to find on MSDN, so I'm noting it here.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Notepad++ CRLF instead of LF

Looks like Notepad++ by default has EOL settings so that only LF is placed at the end of each line.  Which is fine in Notepad++ but not when you have to open the file in plain old Notepad--the lines run together.
To change the EOL settings, go to Edit->EOL Conversion, and set it to "Windows Format" instead of "Unix Format".

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Adjust frames per second for jQuery animations

Use jQuery.fx.interval.
Note from jQuery documentation:
"This property can be manipulated to adjust the number of frames per second at which animations will run. The default is 13 milliseconds. Making this a lower number could make the animations run smoother in faster browsers (such as Chrome) but there may be performance and CPU implications of doing so."