Thursday, March 25, 2010

VirtualBox domain controller

How to setup a pair of virtual machines on VirtualBox so that one is a domain controller. Got the clues from here and here.

IE issues with jQuery fadeIn/fadeOut

ClearType gets disabled on IE7 and IE8 when using jQuery's fadeIn/fadeOut effect. Fixed by removing the "filter" attribute (see here too). Also saw articles about setting a background color and removing positioning.

Regarding pixel-shifting on IE8, I saw something about setting an initial opacity, but I couldn't find the reference anymore.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Use colgroup or col to style table columns

Use the <colgroup> tag or the <col> tag to style table columns.
Note that not all attributes work for Firefox (see w3c). Alternative using CSS selectors at

td:first-child { }
td:first-child + td { }
td:first-child + td + td { }
td:first-child + ...