Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Notepad++ CRLF instead of LF

Looks like Notepad++ by default has EOL settings so that only LF is placed at the end of each line.  Which is fine in Notepad++ but not when you have to open the file in plain old Notepad--the lines run together.
To change the EOL settings, go to Edit->EOL Conversion, and set it to "Windows Format" instead of "Unix Format".


  1. Just what I needed - thanks!

    When did the default change in a Windows installation?

  2. You know what, I'm not sure anymore that that was the default EOL setting. The install of v5.9.8 on a recently-built PC has it set at "Windows Format". But I might have copied over a saved config file. Hmm.

  3. Thanks for your post. Saved me quite a bit of time :)

  4. You're a lifesaver, thanks for getting me back on track.

  5. Visual Studio often warns me that the line endings are not normalised, and offers to convert them. I beleive the issue arises from Notepad++ on our server, but checking that just now it shows "Windows" as the current / greyed out EOL setting. Confusing.

    1. Mike: Set it to Unix and then back to Windows format
