Monday, February 14, 2011

Content Type Feature Manifest: Field Element

Attributes of the Field Element.  For some reason this isn't the easiest info to find on MSDN, so I'm noting it here.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Notepad++ CRLF instead of LF

Looks like Notepad++ by default has EOL settings so that only LF is placed at the end of each line.  Which is fine in Notepad++ but not when you have to open the file in plain old Notepad--the lines run together.
To change the EOL settings, go to Edit->EOL Conversion, and set it to "Windows Format" instead of "Unix Format".

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Adjust frames per second for jQuery animations

Use jQuery.fx.interval.
Note from jQuery documentation:
"This property can be manipulated to adjust the number of frames per second at which animations will run. The default is 13 milliseconds. Making this a lower number could make the animations run smoother in faster browsers (such as Chrome) but there may be performance and CPU implications of doing so."